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Devistate by Nemisis!

Hey there, are you looking for a new server with friendly staff, a stable economy, 10+ bosses, beautiful PvP and PvM, all working skills, dungeoneering + summoning, great donor perks? I was too! That is until I found this server anyways :) JOIN TODAY AT: Devistate Forums: [url="http://devistate.freeforums.org/"]www.devistate.freeforums.org[/url] Client Download: [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/jgune56j8lyu5vh/Devistate.jar?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox.com/s/jgune56j8lyu5vh/Devistate.jar?dl=0[/url] Screenshots: [img]http://i62.tinypic.com/2m782zc.png[/img]...

Devistate by Nemisis!
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2015-01-12 19:18:48
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