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Runescape Top 100 List


Main features - 247 Uptime - 24 trainable skills including Dungeoneering and summoning Construction COMING SOON - IronmanHardcore ironman modes with increased drop rates - 30 Bosses including Vorago and nex OSRS BOSSES ARE NEARLY DONE - Many Minigames including Zombies, Barrows and Pest control - Record screen feature - HD Clienttextures - OSRS Items including Dragon warhammer, Abyssal bludgeon etc 150 MORE OSRS ITEMS COMING SOON - OSRS Wilderness bossesWilderness keys - Duo slayer and slayer parties up to 10 players, lootsharecoinshare options - Boss slayer and Boss slayer shop - Shooting...

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    2015-09-30 09:26:58
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