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Celestial | Free Chaotic Weapon of your choice!

Are you looking for the next top RSPS? Look no further as you have found your new home. Our server consists of some of the most up to date and fun content available. We have all OSRS bosses including Cerberus. Our unique Teleport Interface allows you to travel the RSPS world with 100 + teleports. Every skill is trainable for a fluent and bug free skilling experience. All the new items such as Drygores, vanguard, trickster as well as OSRS items such as Trident, Tentacle, and Toxic staff. Every item is made obtainable by PvM so you are not forced to donate for it like on other servers. If you...

Celestial | Free Chaotic Weapon of your choice!
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2015-11-26 22:49:23
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