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Kraitonia ☢ Zulrah ☠ OSRS ☢ Bank Tabs ☠ Highscores ☢ New FUN Rates

Have you ever dreamed of a server where you ran into endless content; beautiful player base where you get lost into conversations and hours feel like minutes? Requires actual skill to kill monsters and bosses instead of flicking prayer to win? You have come to the right place; Kraitonia is a brand new OSRS Private Server, we offer you the strongest community a mind could ever imagine, un-remarkable performance in Skilling aspect as well as Player vs. Monster last but not least Player vs. Player, our bridding tactics are through the atmosphere, perfect switching timer and attack distance you...

Kraitonia ☢ Zulrah ☠ OSRS ☢ Bank Tabs ☠ Highscores ☢ New FUN Rates
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    United States
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    2016-06-02 18:54:47
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