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OSRHD 1 OSRS Server 1 2011 Server

Hello, We, The OSRHD Staff, welcome you to read the content of our advertisement article. Before we ask you to do ANYTHING, we need to ask you two simple question. Are you... Interested to play on one of the greatest 2011 servers in the RSPS scene Or are you... Interested to play on one of the most well developed OSRS Servers in the RSPS scene Depending on what your answer is, we would like for you to check out both these games and find out why we so boldly claim them to be the greatest and most developed RSPS servers. We challenge you to check us out and see for your ownself...

OSRHD 1 OSRS Server 1 2011 Server
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2016-10-23 11:13:15
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