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Link1 if link 1 doesnt work try link 2 httpwww.mediafire.comfileny5dyu395lmsy2iOs-Zyzia.jar link2 httpswww.dropbox.comssha6bgydh4xtx4oOs-Zyzia.jardl0 Hello, Os-realityPVP has recently been down for some major revamps to the server. We have spent our days trying to make this server the best that it can be and we continue everyday to improve it. We have spent 100 hours since the server has been down in order to come back and be better than we have ever been. Before Os-RealityPVP went down, we had a steady 30 player base and we plan to surpass that number by a lot when we re-release. We...

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    2016-11-30 16:21:18
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