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PKLegacy - Flawless,Pk,Bossing, Gamble,Events

- FEATURES - - Flawless Pking. -247 uptime with no lag. -Automatic Donator system. -Automatic voting system. - Great Economy, supporting cash bags for items worth more then 2147m.. -commands. -Gamble. -All skills work Url- httpimgur.comGqO8urL -23 Bosses Link Picture Url- httpimgur.comm39JrWo -Playerkilling active Url- httpimgur.come83L614 -Mini-Games URL- httpimgur.comAHo7Mfu -Training teleports Url- httpimgur.comlOIfoh7 -Bonds 5 to 250 Url- httpimgur.comah2e4i -Donator stores 12 Url- httpimgur.comaY8HO6 -Voting shopPvm boss point shop Url- httpimgur.comgZKHB9q -Trivia shop Url -...

PKLegacy - Flawless,Pk,Bossing, Gamble,Events
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2017-07-08 16:12:56
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