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Runescape Top 100 List

ReignX 718

Many Custom-Added Items into the game. The highest XP amount is 10B experience All skills go up to 400M XP, and they come with capes Custom Bosses Eradicator, Maximum Gradum, Extreme Boss, Superboss, Fatal Resort, Something, Copyright, Fear, Necromancer, Obsidian King, Dragith Nurn, Geno Mini games Fast and easy leveling Shops with all your needs 100 Working Farming Great Staff Great Community Fun to play bosses Special KillCounts Tab Custom Zombie Invasion raid, 4 times a day All suggestions are heard A stable 30 player base Easy to access PvP Private Boss Instances Active Forums Customized...

ReignX 718
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  • Country
    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2017-10-03 06:56:50
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