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Pharaoh | ECO | 317 | OSRS | RELEASE NOV 5TH

Pharaoh RSPS - Releasing 5th of November A server that strives off the activity of the community, taking any bug reports and suggestions seriously to make sure the server is always producing enjoyable content for the community aiming to cover all aspects of the game's content. The team as a whole are aiming to have the server at the best possible point for the release, not with content but with the stability and the current content working how it should be, once released we will push to get lots of new content out for the community to enjoy which will be tried and tested before release...

Pharaoh | ECO | 317 | OSRS | RELEASE NOV 5TH
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2021-10-04 10:20:05
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Related Pharaoh | ECO | 317 | OSRS | RELEASE NOV 5TH Servers