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MaxxxxScape 718 is ONLINE

SERVER IS ONLINE AS OF 12172016 NEW FEATURES Features Starter Regular Player Regular RSPS Player, choosable XP. Iron Man Mode Iron Man, choosable XP. XP Modes Squire Mode 85x Experience Rate Knight Mode 50x Experience Rate Legend Mode 5x Experience Rate Boss - Weve lots of bosses, such as Vorago, Sunfreet, WildyWyrms, and much, much more Clan System - Creating, Joining, Leaving, Rank giver, Color Changing Mottos, Chatting Guests. Hunger Games - It takes place in a small area where you have to try to kill each other. Including Lobby, Rewards, Timer Winner. Bank Pins - Works both when...

MaxxxxScape 718 is ONLINE
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    United States
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    2016-11-03 23:03:38
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