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Tanzanite | New RSPS | Zulrah | Construction | Highscores | Remarkable Eco

Welcome to Tanzanite, we are a brand new RuneScape Private Server. Tanzanite is here to bring you the best quality Player versus Player (PvP) and Player versus Monster (PvM) experience. Notable features from last update Highscores are finally here! We are now VPS hosted Full NPC and Player clipping! Zulrah is even closer to being complete! Now all 3 stages work 100% Ring of wealth is here! Donators get automatic 1.15x drop rate including 1.5x longer prayer! You can now drop items whilst a pet is following you! hank you to everyone who has been here since the start; it's been a quick...

Tanzanite | New RSPS | Zulrah | Construction | Highscores | Remarkable Eco
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2016-05-02 16:35:04
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Related Tanzanite | New RSPS | Zulrah | Construction | Highscores | Remarkable Eco Servers