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Deadman Mode PS [2007]

CLIENT: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/qb7kfqnwj1kq483/Deadman%20Client%202007.jar?dl=0 Deadman Mode - Safety deposit box where players can store upto 8 items. (Use items on Deposit Box at a bank.) - Kill players for upto 5 bank keys!:3: - Hunt skulled players and take their keys! - Lock two CB skills and three non-cb skills! - Players lose 50% exp on death against players! - 40x Runescape EXP rate - 474 Hotkey system for smoother PKing! - Tonnes of rs2006 content available, and more to be decided by you! - Discover unique escape routes relying on skills such as agility and...

Deadman Mode PS [2007]
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2015-12-22 09:38:49
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