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RuneScore - LIVE

Join us on our journey of RuneScore's development? What we feature? : Update log - - Changed stats for all dung weps. - Increased stats for ak47. - Added resizeable mode to client. - Can now sell charms to store for coins. - Now have lucario as a global boss spawning every 4 hours! - Abyzou drop table has been updated. - Fixed voting boss to spawn at 15 votes - Removed 3k gp from afk tree to 800 gp being this is overpowered. - Added auto voting and claim. - Added auto donation and claim. - Fixed a few exploits (cannot name) - Added ::kbd a easy way to access KBD lair with no issues....

RuneScore - LIVE
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    United States
  • Date Signed Up
    2024-03-29 20:03:20
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